Friday, November 16, 2007


Dad, you would have been 87 years old today, November 16, 2007. A lot has happened since you left us. Pete has now had 2 children! Can you believe it? And Joey has had 2 jobs!! The Red Sox won the series again.....unbelievable!! Mindy has cancer, which she is beating. We are so close; she is my best friend and shopping buddy. And my wine buddy. Joe is my other wine buddy. We are trying to sell our house in Florida and get back to Virginia, but the market is very would hate it.
So, perhaps not that much has happened, but the things that have occurred have been huge! We are all happy, though, which is what you wanted for us.
Oh, we are having that Whitney Thanksgiving this year at Mindy's. I recall how much you enjoyed those........especially when Mom burned the pumpkin pie!
I miss you, Dad.....yeah REALLY.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

You Stink!

You stink! You smokers that are my family or friends, you really stink. Your hair, your breath, your clothes, your skin, and especially your overall attitude about smoking, stinks. Some of you have already lost loved ones to smoking and yet, you still puff away. You, especially, really stink. You are young, some of you, so you are also stupid in addition to stinking. Haven't you heard that smoking can kill you? Oh wait, those of you in my age group are stupid too, for smoking all these years. You super stink. You have to go outside to smoke to avoid offending everybody else inside with your stinking second hand smoke. Then you come inside and think that everyone is ok with your stinking, but, I can tell you that they are not! Your stinking follows you like a cloud of smoke. It is in your car and in your office. Maybe you think it is not in your home, but you are wrong. Ever wonder why no one wants you to drive or why there are no meetings in your office? Or why those invitations for dinner at your home are turned down? Because you stink. Some of you are dealing with spouses or children with life threatening illnesses. You are the most selfish of the stinkers. Some of you have already had medical problems because of your stinking smoking habit. You have had heart attacks, pneumonia, high blood pressure, dental issues, and yes, even sexual problems because of your stinking habit. Some of you have already been diagnosed with emphysema and COPD and you are still stinking up our world. Are you completely crazy? Or just suicidal? Got a death wish? It could be granted, you STINKER!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ivy at Wythe County, VA

Photobucket Album

Sunday, November 11, 2007

College football revisited

OK. I am watching college football again as a casual observer only. No passion. Hope this helps me.......