Saturday, January 03, 2009

17 random things about me

Here are a few things about me to start of the New Year....

1. I am basically a shy person. I have become more self-assured as I have aged, though. But, maybe that is part of getting old….

2. I enjoy being at home. This is a good thing considering that I own two of them! I hate crowds and love curling up with my laptop or a good book at home. I love just being home with my husband, Joe.

3. I love cooking, especially baking cookies and cakes. A 20-pound weight gain since 1999 attests to this!

4. I love hiking or walking outside with my husband, Joe and dog, Ivy. I never listen to the I pod outside as I would miss hearing the enchanting sounds of nature.

5. I am a keen animal lover, especially dogs, most especially my own beautiful Lab, Ivy. Horses are a close second and I am warming up to cats.

6. I am fascinated by digital photography. I use my digital camera just about every day. I especially enjoy taking pictures of Ivy and I am proud to say I have over 1000 pictures of her!

7. I am an optimist and rarely see the dark side of anything. I believe in the inherent goodness of people.

8. I love to sing but cannot read a note of music. And while I may not have a beautiful voice, I can make a joyful noise unto the Lord! And I do!

9. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church (yes, the Roman Catholic one although I still have a lot of questions about it, but I love the bells and smells), the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. I believe in Hope. And I believe that dogs go to Heaven.

10. I don’t understand what the fuss is all about regarding Gay marriage. Why can’t Gays/Lesbians get married? Two people who love each other should be able to get married and have a family with all the rights and benefits that come with it. Why all the hate? It’s time to stop hating and focus on loving.

11. Wine, wine, wine. I have it every night. I want it, need it. White is preferred, but red will work.

12. The gym. I need to go more. I hate the treadmill. Thank you, Mac, for the I pod! I will go more this year, I promise.

13. The computer. I am an addict. No cure in sight! I have online friends that I know personally and many more that I have never met (Cheri). I have actually met one of those: Chelise, a dog lover like me. I have found old friends that I thought I had lost (Kristie, Don, and Patty). I have gotten to know some friends better (Wendy, my Lexulous buddy), and I keep in touch with my family, extended family and old friends on Facebook (Mary Kay, Lucy, Pete, Joey, Joanie, Jack, Madonna, etc.).

14. I have 2 stepchildren, Joanie and Drew. They came with the Joe Monahan package that I received in 1974. We raised them together and equally with our own two children, Pete and Joey. I refer to them as stepchildren purely for identification purposes. Growing up, we never used the word “stepchild” with Joanie and Drew. I am blessed to have 4 wonderful children and I adore them. They have all matured into educated, successful, loving, sensitive adults.

15. I am a mother lioness when it comes to my children and my grandchildren. I am fiercely protective and would give my life to save theirs. I brag about them incessantly and to anyone who will listen. Hear me roar!

16. The Chesapeake Bay and the Chesapeake Bay Watershed captivate me. I have been fortunate to have lived within minutes of this treasure most of my adult life. I have walked miles of her shoreline, fished her waters, tanned on her beaches, and yes, even participated in a bit of skinny-dipping. I have watched a parade of Tall Ships, a pod of dolphins, and the Fourth of July fireworks ….ooooo….ahhh. And I have thrown tennis balls into the surf for more than a few Retrievers. I belong to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and I am committed to saving the Bay. I guess that makes me somewhat of a “tree hugger.”

17. I love Joe Monahan. He makes my life complete. He is the most intelligent person I have ever met. But more importantly, he is caring, loving, sensitive, passionate, and generous. He mixes me a cocktail every evening and opens my wine. He shares in all the things I love. He has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh. He is my friend, teacher, and confidant. Joe is my partner and soul mate…he is the love of my life.