Saturday, January 30, 2010

My politics

I try to not get involved in politics but what's a girl to do? I was a registered Republican in Florida for 5 years and pretty much voted Republican my entire life. Now, I am a changing person.
I am very protective of the environment and trying very hard to reduce my carbon footprint. Hell, I only recently found out what a carbon footprint is! I am worried about bald eagles, polar bears, striped bass,  Lynnhaven oysters, wild horses, and homeless animals.  I belong to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the Sierra Club, Ducks Unlimited,  the Corolla Wild Horse Fund, the ASPCA, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Audubon Society. I guess you could call me a tree hugger, and my husband Joe does!
I am Pro Life as far as the unborn are concerned,  but still not sure how I feel about Capital Punishment...... I actually would consider witnessing an execution to help me decide.
I am a supporter of gay marriage and of gays being in the military. Why not? Who does that hurt? I have no problem with gay adoption either. God made some people gay and some people straight, some people male and some people female, some people black and some people white.....Ok, I just can't stand intolerance.
Guns.......sigh. I am for gun control and always have been ever since JFK, MLK, and RFK my heroes of the 60's.
Money......I must be married to one of the only honest bankers in the country. He is certainly the smartest. insurance premium is now over $900.00 a month and climbing. What the docs and hospitals charge is outrageous. Yup, something needs to be done. But, I am not liking the legislation thus far. Hopefully, our Congress and President will eventually listen and get it right.
Enough for now. The good thing about blogging is that I can go back and change things, like my mind, later!!