Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Through a child's eyes

I think that the beach brings out the child in all of us. Walking the beach with my husband, my son, his wife, and my grandkids, we are all searching for that special shell, to take back home as a forever reminder of our trip to the seashore. Of course the grands want to pick up every shell, and I am a bit more selective with my finds. But we are all together in one, simple, childlike goal. We are all in awe of the sunrise and of the dolphins surfacing just offshore. We all share the joy of splashing in the water and treading gently on the sandbar searching for sand dollars (we already have a hundred dollars worth!). We marvel at the pelicans falling from the sky and laugh out loud at the antics of our old Labs, made young again by the magic of the sea. To see life through a child's eyes, where everything is new and exciting, is a treasure.