Wednesday, January 31, 2007

thinking of Barbaro

Barbaro won the Kentucky Derby in 2006 and gained instant stardom and millions of fans. I was one of them. I have loved Thoroughbreds all my life and have followed the Kentucky Derby every year since I can remember. Although I had picked another horse to win that day, Barbaro annihilated the entire field and won so convincingly that I was instantly hooked. He was simply, a beautiful horse. I waited expectantly for two long weeks for the Preakness, the second jewel of racing's triple crown. The country was abuzz about Barbaro, who was expected to be the first horse to take all three races since Affirmed, so many years before. But, it was not to be. We had just shouted "AND THEY'RE OFF" at the television, when Barbaro stumbled, almost falling to the track. His jockey pulled him up and jumped off. But, his back leg was shattered, hanging uselessly. It was obvious that he was in pain. They put him in the van and I was expecting to hear the sad news that he had been put down. That was a not a good day. I hugged my dog and said a prayer.
But, his owners sent him to the University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center in an attempt to save his life. For 8 months he fought the good fight. I sent get well messages and even lit a virtual candle in support, like millions of people around the world.
Needless to say, I was so very upset when I heard the news that he was gone. Gosh, he had been doing so well. It still amazes me that many of us humans have such a bond with animals. Anyway, rest in peace, Barbaro. You are a remarkable champion and I celebrate your running free all the way into eternity.
I came across this poem and thought that it was appropriate:


Don't cry for the animals
That life has set free
A million white animals
Forever to be

Don't cry for the animals
Now in God's hands
As they dance and they play
To a heavenly band.

They were ours as a gift
But never to keep
As they close their eyes
Forever to sleep

Their spirits unbound
On silver wings they fly
A million white animals
Against the blue sky

Look up into heaven
You'll see them above
The animals we lost
The animals we loved

Tails, ears or manes flowing
They run through time
They were never yours
They were never mine

Don't cry for the animals
They will be back someday
When our time has come
They will show us the way

Do you hear that soft whisper
Close to your ear?
Don't cry for the animals
Love the ones that are here.

Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hunters Green Country Club, Tampa. FL

We belong to Hunter's Green Country Club in Tampa, FL . We have a golf membership which allows us to use all areas of the club. This post will focus on dining at Hunter's Green.
The fine dining continues to be poor. There is a wonderful waitress there, Nancy, in the main dining room, which is aptly called "Windows on the Green." The dining room overlooks a lake and the golf course. It's a great view and if the food was good or at least hot, it could be a great evening out. But, on a recent dinner there, my 5 oz filet, while cooked medium rare as requested, was cold. The baked potato was lukewarm, and the spinach salad with warm dressing, which I ordered at the server's suggestion...was apparently at room temperature, and had been for some time. The house Cabernet sauvignon was great, however and Nancy made certain our glasses remained full.
On another occasion, Prime Rib night, we had another server, apparently a high school student new to the fine dining experience. So, our fine dining that night , was NOT. Prime rib was tender, a bit overdone and cold. I had to ask for horseradish as well as butter/sour cream for another cold baked potato.
We had breakfast on a recent Saturday morning and that is the best food we have had at the main Clubhouse. Eggs and omlets cooked to order, flavorful bacon and sausage, great waffles and pastries. The only thing that could be improved upon would be to have a coffee carafe at our table. At only 5 bucks a person, it's the best breakfast deal in New Tampa!!
Food at the TAC (Tennis&Athletic Center) is great, however. Our main meal there is usually lunch and the Reuben sandwich is to die for!! The soup is always hot and homemade, as far as I know. We have dinner there occasionally and they usually have at least 2 entrees as well as the sandwiches. My husband had the Shrimp Scampi which he said was excellent with just enough garlic. You can never count on the service though. I swear sometimes we must be invisible. I noticed that Bill, the manager is apparently gone. He was a nice guy, I wonder what happened. There is a lady there now, from the 19th hole, I'm told. I am sure she will find this place a little different!!
They have karaoke there every now and then on Friday night and we have been lucky to have our youngest son, Joey come and sing for us!! They are usually promoting a brand of alcohol like Absolute or Effen (what does that mean?) Vodka and we enjoy the free samples and reduced prices. Yeah, Buddy......
That's it for now on eating at Hunter's Green. Please add your comments if you have eaten there.

Update on Mindy, etc.....

My sister's cancer seems to be under control at the moment. She had a lot of follow up tests towards the end of the year and the carcinoids in her liver are not growing. The doc ruled out ovarian cancer so we are very relieved about that.
The hardest part of dealing with this, to me, is the fear. I cannot even imagine the fear that Mindy has though. She has shared some of her fears. She doesn't want her girls to see her dying, seems to be the big fear. Mindy and I sat with our mom in the nursing home during her last days and it was horrible.
Loss of income is possibly another big fear. She may have to eventually try to go on social security disability. That process seems to be a nightmare, from what we have read so far. She wants to keep the news from her employer as long as possible, for fear they will try to fire her if they find out. Money is probably tight in their family with their last child in college with 2 and a half years to go.
My personal fear is that I will not be in Virginia if/when something serious happens, either to Mindy or to Joe and I. Living part time in Florida and part time in Virginia has been a lot harder than I imagined. I thought it would be like we were on vacation all the time. But, both Joe and I never considered the "worry" factor. Worry about the Florida house during a hurricane or the pool overflowing. Worry about the boat in Virginia. Then, I worried about being in Florida if something happened one one of us. We have Joey in Florida and that is GREAT. But most of the family is in Virginia and I would assume that would be a wonderful support system if we ever needed it. In fact, when Joe had his hip replacement(s), it was a great having his sisters and mine to "vent" to!! So, we are moving back, if we ever sell this house in Tampa!!
Of course, having grandkids has changed everything too. I so SO in love with them!!! And, they are all in Virginia!!!