Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Update on Mindy, etc.....

My sister's cancer seems to be under control at the moment. She had a lot of follow up tests towards the end of the year and the carcinoids in her liver are not growing. The doc ruled out ovarian cancer so we are very relieved about that.
The hardest part of dealing with this, to me, is the fear. I cannot even imagine the fear that Mindy has though. She has shared some of her fears. She doesn't want her girls to see her dying, seems to be the big fear. Mindy and I sat with our mom in the nursing home during her last days and it was horrible.
Loss of income is possibly another big fear. She may have to eventually try to go on social security disability. That process seems to be a nightmare, from what we have read so far. She wants to keep the news from her employer as long as possible, for fear they will try to fire her if they find out. Money is probably tight in their family with their last child in college with 2 and a half years to go.
My personal fear is that I will not be in Virginia if/when something serious happens, either to Mindy or to Joe and I. Living part time in Florida and part time in Virginia has been a lot harder than I imagined. I thought it would be like we were on vacation all the time. But, both Joe and I never considered the "worry" factor. Worry about the Florida house during a hurricane or the pool overflowing. Worry about the boat in Virginia. Then, I worried about being in Florida if something happened one one of us. We have Joey in Florida and that is GREAT. But most of the family is in Virginia and I would assume that would be a wonderful support system if we ever needed it. In fact, when Joe had his hip replacement(s), it was a great having his sisters and mine to "vent" to!! So, we are moving back, if we ever sell this house in Tampa!!
Of course, having grandkids has changed everything too. I so SO in love with them!!! And, they are all in Virginia!!!

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