Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dog Days at Alligator Point

The past few days we have just been chillin at Alligator Point, Florida. We have our very best friends here from Atlanta, Bob and Mary Kay and their dog, Sasha staying with us for the first part of this vacation. Sasha and Ivy have been amusing us now for 3 days. Our rented beach house is directly on the Gulf of Mexico so we are mesmerized by the water. And, so are the dogs. Every morning following coffee, we stroll out upon the endless sandbar and the two dogs run and splash and swim. They are having so much fun. You can actually see the joy in their faces. And they bring so much joy to us. Their love is unconditional. Their loyalty knows no bounds. All they need from us are a few cups of dogfood every day, some chew toys, a tennis ball and a week at the beach from time to time. Life should be so simple. I have really learned a lot about life this week from our dog during this vacation. Our Ivy is a yellow lab and she loves a belly rub early in the morning. She eats a speedy breakfast and then it is time for a nap by the window in the sun. Then an hour at the beach chasing birds or the tennis ball and playing with her friend, Sasha. Then back to the house to lie on the deck in the sun again. Maybe a leisurely walk on the beach later in the day with her human. Then, while her human has cocktails on the deck, she watches all the traffic on the beach, mainly other dogs and their humans. She woofs at them just to let them know she is there. It’s a dog’s life, or at least it should be. Thanks for getting me focused, Ivy!!

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