Thursday, March 01, 2007

Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park, Florida

Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park and Lodge is about 20 minutes from Florida's capitol, Tallahassee. This is one of the world's largest and deepest freshwater springs. If you are not staying at the Lodge, as soon as you get there, buy a ticket for the River Tour. The day we visited, the Glass Bottom Boat tour was not operating due to poor water conditions, but, honestly, it was very, very clear. You could see fish swimming. The river boat seats a bunch of people, so get in line and sit in the front if you can. This is NOT an air boat ride; it is about 40 minutes long and well worth the 6 bucks a head. You will see tons of birds, ducks, snakes, turtles, and alligators, alligators and MORE ALLIGATORS!! If you came to Florida to see gators up close and personal, this is it!! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! So, sit down, shut up, and hold on!
After the tour, go to the Lodge for an ice cream. While you are licking your cone, take a gander at "Ole Joe," a 14 foot stuffed gator in a glass case. Ole Joe was brutally murdered in 1966 and his killers have never been found. Ole Joe never harmed a human or pet and he rests in his first and only cage. If you find this disturbing, it is. Not much has changed in 40 years. Man is still the most dangerous predator to wildlife.

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