My solo trip to San Diego was a huge step for me. I had not done something like this on my own for....God knows how long!! I am not a huge fan of flying and this flight was from Virginia (Atlantic coast) to California (Pacific coast), to see a long lost friend. But I made it and spent several wonderful days with Kristie, my very best friend in high school. Kristie and I were inseparable when my family lived in Helena, Montana in the mid 1960s. We were huge Beatles fans and founded the Montana Beatles Fan Club. Then, my dad took a new job in Virginia in 1966 and when we left Helena, I was heartbroken to leave my best friend. I was 15 years old at the time. We corresponded for a time but lost track during our college years. Then, early in 2008, I searched for Kristie on the Internet and found her on It was amazing how easy that was! She answered my email the same day. We had not been in touch for over 40 years! I wanted desperately to see her, so I cashed in some award miles and flew to San Diego a few months later. Of course, we had exchanged pictures, but I recognized her right away at the airport. We had four wonderful days talking, touring beautiful San Diego, walking the beach, eating, and drinking. She was the perfect hostess and tour guide. She is an animal lover like me and has 3 very cool cats. I am so very fortunate to have my best friend back in my life.
Monday, December 15, 2008
My solo trip to San Diego to see my long lost friend
My solo trip to San Diego was a huge step for me. I had not done something like this on my own for....God knows how long!! I am not a huge fan of flying and this flight was from Virginia (Atlantic coast) to California (Pacific coast), to see a long lost friend. But I made it and spent several wonderful days with Kristie, my very best friend in high school. Kristie and I were inseparable when my family lived in Helena, Montana in the mid 1960s. We were huge Beatles fans and founded the Montana Beatles Fan Club. Then, my dad took a new job in Virginia in 1966 and when we left Helena, I was heartbroken to leave my best friend. I was 15 years old at the time. We corresponded for a time but lost track during our college years. Then, early in 2008, I searched for Kristie on the Internet and found her on It was amazing how easy that was! She answered my email the same day. We had not been in touch for over 40 years! I wanted desperately to see her, so I cashed in some award miles and flew to San Diego a few months later. Of course, we had exchanged pictures, but I recognized her right away at the airport. We had four wonderful days talking, touring beautiful San Diego, walking the beach, eating, and drinking. She was the perfect hostess and tour guide. She is an animal lover like me and has 3 very cool cats. I am so very fortunate to have my best friend back in my life.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
TGIO-The 2008 Presidential Election
Thank God It's Over!! The Presidential election that is! No more TV ads and the cardboard is disappearing. I really did not have a candidate, but.....I did vote for John McCain. Conservatism won out for me, in my "golden years." Blame the Banker, but this former hippie has assets to protect and conserve. Since I ditched my political party affiliation earlier this year, I am officially an INDEPENDENT Florida voter. What does it mean? I voted for "the Man." Simply put, I thought John McCain was the better man. But, I stand behind Barack Obama now and celebrate with the rest of my country, his amazing accomplishment. I do, however, have a very low tolerance for the Bush bashing that has all too soon started cropping up. Come on people.......President Bush will be out of office and writing his memoirs in a couple of months. I want him out of there too and pray that our new leader is up to the daunting task ahead of him. I sure hope he finds some good, honest, God believing folks to help him because he is sure going to need it.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Florida is the Sunshine State!! I have been back at my Tampa house just visiting my stuff for a week now. I drank out of my favorite Waterford double old fashioned glass. I drank morning coffee on the lanai by the pool. I swam in the pool. I listened to the breeze in the palm trees. I laughed at the Sandhill cranes. I enjoyed wining and dining with old friends. I loved sleeping late every day with my husband. I played at the beach with my dog. I went shopping with my son to stock his refrigerator. It was a good time.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
the Tall Ships
These photos were taken from Ft. Moultrie on Sullivans Island, SC. The Tall Ships were in Charleston Harbor for their annual Harborfest. Although there were only four of them, they were truly magnificent, as they sailed through the mist in the Parade of Sail. The ship Amistad (the last ship pictured with sails folded) is a replica of an old slave trader ship. These ships brought slaves from Africa to the New World, with most of them chained below deck. The slaves on the Amistad mutinied against their inhumane treatment in 1839. The other ships pictured are the Corwith Cramer, the Spirit of South Carolina, and the Virginia.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
The last day of being 56
It's finally here; the last day of 56! Yippee! WhoooHooo!
A ton of stuff happened this year and now it is on to another year in the life of thebankerswife! Lots of picture taking and writing crap in the blog. Going to do some traveling and wine drinking. Not as much eating, but hey...that's ok. I am just going to be more particular of the stuff that goes into this old, er, middle aged body. More fruits and yes, more veggies! Less beef and more seafood. I am really going to TRY to drive the boat more and maybe learn to dock it this summer. More reading of books, perhaps some of the classics I missed in high school and college. I just finished a book, just a mindless "chick book," but a book, nonetheless! I am DEFINITELY planning on spending more time with the grandkids and more quality time with Joe, now that he is retiring again. And more walks with Ivy. Plus, more walks outdoors. I have gotten spoiled with roaming the beach at Sullivans Island everyday, but who wouldn't? It is the most beautiful beach I have ever seen (see pic above). I am realizing that you just have to stop and smell the roses, or at least wiggle your bare feet in the sand every once in a while. My feet both have bunions (thanks, Mom), so flip flops are great! Enough rambling from this 56 year old bankers wife and on to number 57!! Cheers!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Boone Hall Plantation-Grounds and Gardens
Please enjoy my slideshow of Boone Hall Plantation, Mt. Pleasant, SC. And remember to stop and smell the flowers along the way.......
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Eight Belles
Sunday, April 20, 2008
More Gardens of Charleston
OMG.....I spend the day at a major Pro tennis event, then I write about it........Am I supposed to go back to playing the game? Is this a sign from God? We are planning on joining Greenbrier CC in Chesapeake when we go back in June....guess I need to get out my racquet!! O...WAIT ! I don't have one!! GEESH!! How much are they now? I am a Prince gal.......Do I even have any pics of me playing tennis? BRB........
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Serena Williams
Friday, April 18, 2008
Ave Maria (Sharapova)
I took these at the WTA Family Circle Cup in Charleston. Maria Sharapova is a beautiful young woman from Russia. She is very young, turning 21, and very tall 6'2". Oh.....she plays awesome tennis! Sorry, no action shots.....battery worn down from pics of Serena Williams. Don't forget to check her out also!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Marine Corps Recruit Depot-Parris Island, SC
The Marine Corps is still attracting more than a few good men. On a recent trip to Parris Island with my brother-in-law Tony Matzen, a former Marine, and my sister, Mindy, we toured the base and watched the young recruits march and drill. It was VERY IMPRESSIVE! That particular day was graduation day for several platoons of new Marines, so the base was swarming with their families. Most of these Marines will see action in Iraq. God bless them....Semper Fidelis!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Charleston, South Carolina - Gardens
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
An afternoon walk on Sullivan's Island, South Carolina
Sullivan's Island is a wonderful beach community about a 7 minute drive from our rental house in Mt. Pleasant. I love walking the beach around Ft. Moultrie. Edgar Allen Poe served in the US Army there and I am enthralled with the idea that I am walking where he walked as a young man. Chief Osceola, the revered Seminole Indian Chief is also buried on the grounds of the fort. The Catholic Church we are attending is across the street from the fort and is also "ancient," as is the Pastor! The church survived Hurricane Hugo and has a plaque at the high water mark to prove it. The beach is awesome and is at the entrance of Charleston Harbor. Below are photographs taken on an afternoon walk.

Joe on the beautiful beach (doesn't he look great?!)

Cannons of Ft Moultrie (Ft Sumter in background)

Cannon at Ft Moultrie (I love these big guns!)

Behind Ft Moultrie Visitor Center (Ravenel Bridge-Route 17
in the background)

Stella Maris Catholic Church (shame that the pastor is a bit cranky)

Fisherman (sigh)

A beach pic

Cruise ship out of Charleston Harbor

Wish I lived here
Joe on the beautiful beach (doesn't he look great?!)
Cannons of Ft Moultrie (Ft Sumter in background)
Cannon at Ft Moultrie (I love these big guns!)
Behind Ft Moultrie Visitor Center (Ravenel Bridge-Route 17
in the background)
Stella Maris Catholic Church (shame that the pastor is a bit cranky)
Fisherman (sigh)
A beach pic
Cruise ship out of Charleston Harbor
Wish I lived here
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Today I am packing for the move to Charleston, SC. My husband Joe, accepted a temporary job there, coming out of retirement, for this project. We have rented a small, fully furnished, 4 bedroom house in Mt Pleasant. Ivy, our yellow Lab, will, more than likely be undergoing major surgery to repair her CCL in her back, left knee, while we are there. I am pretty nervous about this surgery, as it is very invasive, the rehab is about 4 months, and very, VERY restrictive.
I will miss my kids here, especially my grandkids and my sister, who has cancer. Thankfully, she is winning the battle and is pretty healthy, at this writing. She and her husband plan on coming to visit us in Charleston.
But, I enjoy change, and Charleston is supposed to be one of most most amazing cities in the South. There is a wine and food festival coming up the end of February ( I would HATE to go to that!) and a major womens tennis tournament in April (I love tennis).
Charleston, Charleston, made in Carolina!
I will miss my kids here, especially my grandkids and my sister, who has cancer. Thankfully, she is winning the battle and is pretty healthy, at this writing. She and her husband plan on coming to visit us in Charleston.
But, I enjoy change, and Charleston is supposed to be one of most most amazing cities in the South. There is a wine and food festival coming up the end of February ( I would HATE to go to that!) and a major womens tennis tournament in April (I love tennis).
Charleston, Charleston, made in Carolina!
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