Saturday, January 26, 2008

Today I am packing for the move to Charleston, SC. My husband Joe, accepted a temporary job there, coming out of retirement, for this project. We have rented a small, fully furnished, 4 bedroom house in Mt Pleasant. Ivy, our yellow Lab, will, more than likely be undergoing major surgery to repair her CCL in her back, left knee, while we are there. I am pretty nervous about this surgery, as it is very invasive, the rehab is about 4 months, and very, VERY restrictive.
I will miss my kids here, especially my grandkids and my sister, who has cancer. Thankfully, she is winning the battle and is pretty healthy, at this writing. She and her husband plan on coming to visit us in Charleston.
But, I enjoy change, and Charleston is supposed to be one of most most amazing cities in the South. There is a wine and food festival coming up the end of February ( I would HATE to go to that!) and a major womens tennis tournament in April (I love tennis).
Charleston, Charleston, made in Carolina!

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