Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nesting or just enjoying the view...?

I don't know what this bird is doing. I think it is a female purple martin as there a loads of them around the condo right now. It is fixated on a sprinkler head on our balcony. The sprinkler has got mud on it. I am afraid of trying to clean it up lest I damage it or even worse, cause it to flood the units. That has happened to my neighbors below us. Their kid "caught" one of the indoor sprinkler heads with a fishing rod and it flooded their condo and also the one below them. They were out for over three months while the damage was repaired. What a nightmare. Anyway, the mystery continues. Maybe it is building a nest even though I have read that they nest almost exclusively in those gourds or purple martin houses. Time will tell. Perhaps it just likes the view, as I do.....

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