Monday, November 15, 2010

Why We Volunteer for the Virginia Beach SPCA

There is a place in our community where the hungry are fed, the homeless are sheltered, & the lost and abandoned are comforted. It is the Virginia Beach SPCA.
My husband and I both volunteer for the VBSPCA. It all started when we began donating food and kitty litter. Then, we launched Ivy’s Pet Project in our neighborhood, to collect food and supplies for the shelter.  Finally, we went through volunteer orientation this summer (got the t-shirt). We began hanging out with the dogs, preparing them for their furever homes.  From there, it just got bigger. We volunteered at the Puttin’ for Paws Golf Tournament. We raised money and walked in the annual Walk for the Animals. We donate our newspapers, cans, and shoeboxes. We deliver pet food to Senior Services of Southeast Virginia every month. Most of the time we just show up and they put us to work.
There have been tears. One of the first dogs we were involved with was Rembrandt. He came into the shelter with numerous health issues and major orthopedic problems. Sadly, a Good Samaritan never appeared, magical funds never materialized, and Remmie’s condition declined.  He waits at the Rainbow Bridge. 
Why do we volunteer? Because of our own dogs.  Ivy and Iris, our two crazy, yellow Labs, give us tons of unconditional love and devotion. They constantly amuse us. They are our best friends and valued members of our family.  The animals at the VBSPCA are looking for another chance to enhance the lives of humans. They each have a story and usually not a happy one. We want to help these homeless animals get a second opportunity to live the good life. Please help us help them. Consider donating your time, talent, or treasure to the Virginia Beach SPCA and lend a paw to homeless animals.  

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