Friday, November 16, 2007


Dad, you would have been 87 years old today, November 16, 2007. A lot has happened since you left us. Pete has now had 2 children! Can you believe it? And Joey has had 2 jobs!! The Red Sox won the series again.....unbelievable!! Mindy has cancer, which she is beating. We are so close; she is my best friend and shopping buddy. And my wine buddy. Joe is my other wine buddy. We are trying to sell our house in Florida and get back to Virginia, but the market is very would hate it.
So, perhaps not that much has happened, but the things that have occurred have been huge! We are all happy, though, which is what you wanted for us.
Oh, we are having that Whitney Thanksgiving this year at Mindy's. I recall how much you enjoyed those........especially when Mom burned the pumpkin pie!
I miss you, Dad.....yeah REALLY.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

You Stink!

You stink! You smokers that are my family or friends, you really stink. Your hair, your breath, your clothes, your skin, and especially your overall attitude about smoking, stinks. Some of you have already lost loved ones to smoking and yet, you still puff away. You, especially, really stink. You are young, some of you, so you are also stupid in addition to stinking. Haven't you heard that smoking can kill you? Oh wait, those of you in my age group are stupid too, for smoking all these years. You super stink. You have to go outside to smoke to avoid offending everybody else inside with your stinking second hand smoke. Then you come inside and think that everyone is ok with your stinking, but, I can tell you that they are not! Your stinking follows you like a cloud of smoke. It is in your car and in your office. Maybe you think it is not in your home, but you are wrong. Ever wonder why no one wants you to drive or why there are no meetings in your office? Or why those invitations for dinner at your home are turned down? Because you stink. Some of you are dealing with spouses or children with life threatening illnesses. You are the most selfish of the stinkers. Some of you have already had medical problems because of your stinking smoking habit. You have had heart attacks, pneumonia, high blood pressure, dental issues, and yes, even sexual problems because of your stinking habit. Some of you have already been diagnosed with emphysema and COPD and you are still stinking up our world. Are you completely crazy? Or just suicidal? Got a death wish? It could be granted, you STINKER!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Ivy at Wythe County, VA

Photobucket Album

Sunday, November 11, 2007

College football revisited

OK. I am watching college football again as a casual observer only. No passion. Hope this helps me.......

Friday, October 26, 2007

I have had it with college football. I am done....FINISHED! No more. My teams just keep losing. First it was my beloved Seminoles. Then, my new team, the University of South Florida Bulls lost to Rutgers and last night, the Hokies (Virginia Tech) lost in the last 4 minutes to that damn Boston College. I have folded up my flags and and put away my t shirts. Until tomorrow, when I will sneak at peek at the FSU/Duke game. But, just a peek.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

USS Wisconsin

Photobucket Album: See all of my USS Wisconsin pics here!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Surfin' USA (SC)

Photobucket Album: Surfing in Pawleys Island, SC. Just so you know, I do not know these people.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Keys Vacation, 2007

Ivy's Keys Vacation: All about the dog

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Sasha: One Lucky Dog

My good friends, Mary Kay and Bob own Sasha, who is definitely, one lucky dog. We spent a few days with them at Alligator Point, Florida recently, along with Ivy, our yellow Lab. Ivy and Sasha loved the beach, and would spend hours playing in the water, if we would let them. They are buddies. And one thing that they have in common is that their owners absolutely adore them.
Bob and Mary Kay had recently lost their beagle, Patches to cancer. They had thought about getting another dog at some point, but had not really started looking seriously. Mary Kay stopped by Patches' vet office one day to thank him for the wonderful care that Patches had received, as she neared the end of her life. She asked the vet about rescuing a dog and he mentioned that he had a dog at the clinic that he had been treating. She was a young dog that had been accidentally run over by her owner’s own car, on the same day that Patches had died. Her back leg was shattered and her owners couldn’t afford surgery and had asked for her to be put down. The vet asked permission to operate anyway and that he would find her a home. He realized early on that she was a special dog. Mary Kay went home with Sasha that day. But, she was not in the clear yet. Mary Kay started doing a little research to try to figure out what Sasha's breeding was. She knew that her mother was a Shepherd. But, then she discovered that Sasha had a Rottweiler's coloring. So, back to the vet clinic went Sasha. I guess the vet convinced Mary Kay that she wasn't a Rotty and that she would not be a big dog. In fact, she could not get to over 50 pounds because it would put a tremendous strain on her shattered leg, which was held together with pins and plates. So, Sasha begins her life with Bob and Mary Kay.
Sasha lives in a big house in an Atlanta suburb. She has her own bed and lots of toys. She loves dog biscuits and long walks. Sasha’s life is good Mary Kay realizes that Sasha is smart, very smart. She teaches her to let her know when she needs to potty by ringing a bell on the doorknob. An invisible fence was installed for Patches, and Sasha quickly learns her boundaries. All squirrels are fair game until the tone sounds on her collar.
After a couple of years of this idyllic life, Bob and Mary Kay sell the big house and buy a town house on a lake in South Carolina and another town house in another Atlanta suburb. So, now Sasha has two places to call home. What dog wouldn’t love that? She loves to go in the car between the houses. A few days in Atlanta, then the weekends at the lake. Rides in the red boat and more long walks. No more invisible fence.
Sasha also does some traveling with Bob and Mary Kay. She has been an honored guest at our house in Tampa. She has been to the beach rental cottage a few times in Alligator Point. They plan to visit us this summer at our home in Virginia.
Yes indeed, Sasha is absolutely, one lucky dog.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Dominican Republic Vacation

My husband Joe and I have just returned from vacationing in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic at the all inclusive Ocean Blue Bavaro Resort. We had a reunion of sorts with his sisters, a brother, a nephew and their respective spouses. My sister-in-law, Anne, puts these family trips together and she does a great job. The only rule is that they have to be in the Caribbean and all inclusive, which means that everything is paid for up front, including alcohol. Our extended family enjoys their cocktails, so this works out well for us.
The Ocean Blue is a beautiful resort, right on the Caribbean. There is a huge pool with a swim up bar. The beach is absolutely gorgeous. Get up early and put your beach towel on a chaise or you will not find one. We upgraded our room to the "Elite Club" and it was great when there was hot water. The view from our balcony was of a vacant lot full of trash and some sort of large blue chemical drum. There were several stray dogs roaming around. You could see the Caribbean off to the side, if you leaned over the rail. The food was edible but just about everyone in our group of ten had some sort of intestinal upset. There was a huge buffet every night where you could find something to eat and a few themed restaurants in the complex. My favorite was the Mexican restaurant. Make sure if you are in a group that you make a reservation before 3 pm. The mixed drinks were hit or miss. Sometimes good, if they used the premium alcohol, but they could be really nasty if they used the locally made brands. We liked the Absolute Bloody Mary at the Lobby Bar. But, make sure that you watch the bartender pour the Absolute! There are massages, a fitness center, a casino, a theatre and water sports. If reservations are needed, make them at the beginning of your stay.
Do not, under any circumstances, fly on Spirit Airlines to get there. There is no acceptable level of customer service. They do not even know what the term means. The flight attendants are downright rude. You can only check one bag under 50 pounds and they gleefully charge you for any additional bags. The problem is that they will not guarantee that the additional bag will get on your flight. If your flight is delayed, they don't bother with any announcements. You just wait indefinitely either on the plane or in the terminal.
However, vacationing with my in laws is a riot. We seem to enjoy the same things for the most part. Laying on the beach or by the pool with our drinks. Reading, working crosswords or sudoku puzzles. Taking in the topless tourists. Shopping or fishing. It's all good!! Until next year...great job, Annie!!

Monday, March 05, 2007


They have come to crab.
and girls.
and young.
and White.
and gay.
And, rich and poor,
I suppose.
They sit,
they stand,
sometimes lounging
in a lawn chair
or on a blanket
or laying on the bulkhead,
They have come to crab.
Their children skip.
And giggle.
And play together.
No barriers there.
There are
lots of crab stories
floating around.
Which is better…
the hand line or
a trap?
The round trap
or the square kind?
And the bait:
old chicken parts
or fish heads
or leftovers?
Males are “Jimmies.”
Females are “Jennys.”
Or sooks.
There are peelers,
or are they soft shells?
But, babies
are babies
and are
tossed back
into the canal
to grow into
adulthood .
Their time
in the steamer
has not yet come.
Their baptism with
Old Bay
will not be
this summer.

Pam Monahan

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park, Florida

Edward Ball Wakulla Springs State Park and Lodge is about 20 minutes from Florida's capitol, Tallahassee. This is one of the world's largest and deepest freshwater springs. If you are not staying at the Lodge, as soon as you get there, buy a ticket for the River Tour. The day we visited, the Glass Bottom Boat tour was not operating due to poor water conditions, but, honestly, it was very, very clear. You could see fish swimming. The river boat seats a bunch of people, so get in line and sit in the front if you can. This is NOT an air boat ride; it is about 40 minutes long and well worth the 6 bucks a head. You will see tons of birds, ducks, snakes, turtles, and alligators, alligators and MORE ALLIGATORS!! If you came to Florida to see gators up close and personal, this is it!! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED! So, sit down, shut up, and hold on!
After the tour, go to the Lodge for an ice cream. While you are licking your cone, take a gander at "Ole Joe," a 14 foot stuffed gator in a glass case. Ole Joe was brutally murdered in 1966 and his killers have never been found. Ole Joe never harmed a human or pet and he rests in his first and only cage. If you find this disturbing, it is. Not much has changed in 40 years. Man is still the most dangerous predator to wildlife.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Believe

I believe in God.
I believe in Jesus Christ, The Word made flesh.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the giver of life.
I believe in the Blessed Trinity.
I believe in Life after death.
I believe that God creates gays and straights.
I believe that music is a gift from God.
I believe that prayer changes things.
I believe in love.
I believe in miracles.
I believe in lots of hugs.
I believe in forgiveness.
I believe that confession is good for the soul.
I believe in public education.
I believe that teachers are great.
I believe that every cloud has a silver lining.
I believe in the right to life.
I believe in angels
I believe that the devil is alive and well.
I believe that Elvis is dead.
I believe that John Lennon sings in Heaven.
I believe in equality.
I believe that nuclear weapons should be dismantled.
I believe that world peace is possible.
I believe in telling the truth.
I believe in honesty.
I believe in saying “I love you.”
I believe in sleeping in on Saturdays.
I believe in taking a nap.
I believe that golf is a humbling sport.
I believe that jellyfish are useless.
I believe that dolphins are intelligent.
I believe in walking on the beach at sunset.
I believe in holding hands.
I believe in drinking margaritas with salt.
I believe in my children.
I believe in my husband.
I believe that my husband is my best friend.
I believe in family vacations.
I believe in family meals.
I believe that the family that prays together stays together.
I believe that families are forever.
I believe that step-parents love their step-children.
I believe in community service.
I believe that the earth wasn’t made in a day.
I believe that a dog is a person’s best friend.
I believe that diamonds are a girl’s best friend.
I believe in reading at the beach.
I believe that sucking in your tummy is a waste.
I believe in rocking in a hammock.
I believe that there is a cure for AIDS.
I believe that chicken soup works.
I believe in ghosts.
I believe that dreams contain messages.
I believe that nothing is a coincidence.
I believe in reading to children.
I believe in owning an inexpensive car.
I believe in recycling.
I believe in drinking good wine.
I believe that the United States is the best country in the world.
I believe in patriotism.
I believe in rock and roll.
I believe in being generous with praise.
I believe in being kind to everyone I meet.
I believe in you.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Missing My Mom

I miss you, Mom.
I miss telling you what is going on in my life,
talking to you about my kids
and about Joe
and the dogs.
I miss confiding mother/daughter things.
I miss our shopping at Center Shops
and dropping by Dad’s office,
then going to Shoney’s.
I miss dress up
and borrowing your jewelry.
I miss being tucked into bed,
lasagna from a box,
jelly donuts
and pineapple sherbet
melting all over.
I miss coffee ice cream.
I miss lobstah
and picking crabs.
I miss the beach
with baby oil and iodine,
sandy tuna sandwiches
and hungry seagulls.
I miss stories about Pierre,
the Boston Bruins,
Howard Johnson’s and
that cocky air cadet.
I miss hearing about the first Thanksgiving.
I miss burned pumpkin pie
and gathering pecans.
I miss the Derby parties,
especially the mint juleps
with simple syrup.
I miss our wine.
I miss watching you dance.
I miss your laugh
and your smile.
I miss your advice.
and your opinionated opinions.
I miss your hugs.
I miss your unconditional love.

I miss you, Mom.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dog Days at Alligator Point

The past few days we have just been chillin at Alligator Point, Florida. We have our very best friends here from Atlanta, Bob and Mary Kay and their dog, Sasha staying with us for the first part of this vacation. Sasha and Ivy have been amusing us now for 3 days. Our rented beach house is directly on the Gulf of Mexico so we are mesmerized by the water. And, so are the dogs. Every morning following coffee, we stroll out upon the endless sandbar and the two dogs run and splash and swim. They are having so much fun. You can actually see the joy in their faces. And they bring so much joy to us. Their love is unconditional. Their loyalty knows no bounds. All they need from us are a few cups of dogfood every day, some chew toys, a tennis ball and a week at the beach from time to time. Life should be so simple. I have really learned a lot about life this week from our dog during this vacation. Our Ivy is a yellow lab and she loves a belly rub early in the morning. She eats a speedy breakfast and then it is time for a nap by the window in the sun. Then an hour at the beach chasing birds or the tennis ball and playing with her friend, Sasha. Then back to the house to lie on the deck in the sun again. Maybe a leisurely walk on the beach later in the day with her human. Then, while her human has cocktails on the deck, she watches all the traffic on the beach, mainly other dogs and their humans. She woofs at them just to let them know she is there. It’s a dog’s life, or at least it should be. Thanks for getting me focused, Ivy!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Rattlefish Reef Restaurant

We ate at the Rattlefish Reef in Wesley Chapel, Florida last night, a pre Valentine celebration dinner to beat the crowds. We had been to Rattlefish in south Tampa a year or so ago with son Joey and had a great meal. This Rattlefish opened at the former Capt Tiki Hut, but we had never been there. They did a good job of replicating the outside dining room of this restaurant to look like the south Tampa location. No marina view though. Don't eat inside; there is NO atmosphere in there. Anyway, we started with the "Key Lime Martini" in a graham cracker rimmed glass. The glass was not rimmed and the Martini was way too tart for us, but, being the good sports that we are, we drank them anyway. Then Joe switched to his normal vodka & tonic which was served in a plastic cup and I had the house chardonnay (Barefoot). For dinner I had an appetizer entitled "Oyster Bar Junk." I figured that with the $16.00 price tag it would be enough of a dinner for me and I was correct. It consisted of crab meat and shrimp in a tasty red sauce with about 4 fried oysters perched on top in a chafing dish. It was served with a small, warm baguette (we had to ask for butter). It was excellent. Joe had the blackened Grouper (he orders Grouper a lot). It came with 2 sides, so he had some very blah, blah cole slaw and some really good, sweet hush puppies. He also felt that his fish was excellent. He ended up being charged $3.00 extra for the cole slaw, as we found out as we were settling up that it was a "substitution." But, we didn't feel like arguing, so we paid the bill which was a whopping $76.00, before tip, for the two of us! I should add, that the service was above and beyond. Besides the price, the only other real negative was that since the outside "deck" part of the restaurant is technically "outside," smoking is allowed there." The diners next to us were smokers (God, it is such a NASTY habit and I am SO GLAD that Joe finally quit) and the second hand smoke wafted over to us....need I say more? Anyroad, I think that Rattlefish Reef needs to realize that this is WESLEY CHAPEL and not SOUTH TAMPA and get their prices in line with other eateries in the area and there are a ton of them!! And please, stop the smoking.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Alligator Point

This week, Joe and I are going to one of our favorite places, Alligator Point, Florida. Our house in Tampa is for sale with no lookers, so we are outta here!!! Alligator Point is on the Panhandle, southwest of Tallahassee on the Gulf of Mexico. This is our 4th visit to the same rental beach cottage, aptly named the "Gulf Breeze." The house is, in a word, rustic. But, it is the beach that we go for. Miles of private beach. Did I mention that it is in BFE? You can literally walk for miles and not see a soul. Fifteen miles to the nearest grocery store. Yeah, buddy. Low tide at Alligator Point is amazing. You can walk out a hundred yards into the Gulf of Mexico. See picture below right. Ivy, our yellow lab, loves to swim and dive for sand dollars. It is a sand dollar mecca. There are thousands of them, both alive and well, fossilized. If you need to collect some for a craft project or to hang on your Christmas tree, this is the place. Sunrise (yes, I have been known to get up for that, in fact I took the picture below) is equally spectacular. There are also scallops (in season) and loggerhead turtle nests. My Way Seafood Market in Panacea has the freshest seafood around. We love the oysters, the Bugs (Florida Lobster; ask for the tail to be split), and the shrimp (ask for heads off, worth the extra money). Our best friends, Bob and Mary Kay are coming for a few days from Georgia, so we will be drinking some wine also, believe it or not. More on Alligator Point when we return!

Monday, February 05, 2007

My second high school career and advice to parents

Our son Joey, from Orlando came to visit us last weekend. The purpose of this visit was to go through many, many boxes containing his high school awards, books, papers and band memorabilia. As he is now 26 years old, it has been a while since high school (he was class of 1999). I especially enjoyed the papers that I had a hand in. Let me just say that my second high school career was better academically than my first!! "We" only made 2 B's the whole 4 years, making us in the top 5% of the graduating class. We read lots of books, wrote a bunch of papers, completed a ton of fairly useless projects. We drove EVERYWHERE, always stopping at 7-11. He would smell like coffee when he came out, go figure.
And, I really enjoyed my band experience, even though I can't read or play the first note of music. Seriously though, I really did enjoy being a band parent. As it should be. Turns out that Joey was a very gifted trumpet player. So, my second high school go 'round was filled with marching band competitions, auditions, rehearsals, concerts, Band Booster meetings, and music lessons. A air conditioned/heated concert hall was a much more comfortable environment for a parent and than a cold or rainy or steaming hot baseball field or soccer field. My advice to parents: start those music lessons early!! And don't forget to read with your kids, even through high school.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sukothai Restaurant

Joe and I ate at the Sukhothai Restaurant last night in New Tampa. We were celebrating his last PUP bonus with the Bank which he received yesterday (don't ask....). Let me begin by saying that the place is "on Campus," as our friend Don would say, which means we didn't have to cross Bruce B. Downs Blvd. to get there. Now, we didn't walk there either, but I guess it is about 2 1/2 miles from home. Anyway, it is a combination restaurant and sushi bar. We opted to eat at a regulation table although you can eat at the bar or on the floor on mats without shoes, for a more authentic Asian feel.
We got there about 6:30pm and we were the only people there. I know, we must be getting old to eat that early. I ordered the plum wine and Joe had his normal, boring Sterling Cab. The server was a perky Asian female, reasonably attentive.
We started with the pan fried dumplings as an appetizer. Joe ate a lot of these in Taiwan when he was stationed there in the Air Force and together we have eaten and prepared a lot of them over the years and consider ourselves connoisseurs. These dumps were EXCELLENT. They were light, crispy, and flavorful with just enough filling. The dipping sauce was perfect, not too much soy.
For dinner I had the Panang Beef (sliced beef cooked in red curry and coconut cream) and Joe had the Goong Gub Pla (grouper filet topped with shrimp and ginger). He had his prepared medium spicy and I had mine "hot, but not VERY hot." Well, it was VERY, VERY HOT!! But that said, it was delicious and the presentation superb. They use those nifty square plates with the turned up corners, very cool.
I needed water and another plum wine to offset the heat of my dinner and they were delivered promptly. It was a great experience and we will go back again. Please add your comments if you have eaten there.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

thinking of Barbaro

Barbaro won the Kentucky Derby in 2006 and gained instant stardom and millions of fans. I was one of them. I have loved Thoroughbreds all my life and have followed the Kentucky Derby every year since I can remember. Although I had picked another horse to win that day, Barbaro annihilated the entire field and won so convincingly that I was instantly hooked. He was simply, a beautiful horse. I waited expectantly for two long weeks for the Preakness, the second jewel of racing's triple crown. The country was abuzz about Barbaro, who was expected to be the first horse to take all three races since Affirmed, so many years before. But, it was not to be. We had just shouted "AND THEY'RE OFF" at the television, when Barbaro stumbled, almost falling to the track. His jockey pulled him up and jumped off. But, his back leg was shattered, hanging uselessly. It was obvious that he was in pain. They put him in the van and I was expecting to hear the sad news that he had been put down. That was a not a good day. I hugged my dog and said a prayer.
But, his owners sent him to the University of Pennsylvania New Bolton Center in an attempt to save his life. For 8 months he fought the good fight. I sent get well messages and even lit a virtual candle in support, like millions of people around the world.
Needless to say, I was so very upset when I heard the news that he was gone. Gosh, he had been doing so well. It still amazes me that many of us humans have such a bond with animals. Anyway, rest in peace, Barbaro. You are a remarkable champion and I celebrate your running free all the way into eternity.
I came across this poem and thought that it was appropriate:


Don't cry for the animals
That life has set free
A million white animals
Forever to be

Don't cry for the animals
Now in God's hands
As they dance and they play
To a heavenly band.

They were ours as a gift
But never to keep
As they close their eyes
Forever to sleep

Their spirits unbound
On silver wings they fly
A million white animals
Against the blue sky

Look up into heaven
You'll see them above
The animals we lost
The animals we loved

Tails, ears or manes flowing
They run through time
They were never yours
They were never mine

Don't cry for the animals
They will be back someday
When our time has come
They will show us the way

Do you hear that soft whisper
Close to your ear?
Don't cry for the animals
Love the ones that are here.

Author Unknown

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hunters Green Country Club, Tampa. FL

We belong to Hunter's Green Country Club in Tampa, FL . We have a golf membership which allows us to use all areas of the club. This post will focus on dining at Hunter's Green.
The fine dining continues to be poor. There is a wonderful waitress there, Nancy, in the main dining room, which is aptly called "Windows on the Green." The dining room overlooks a lake and the golf course. It's a great view and if the food was good or at least hot, it could be a great evening out. But, on a recent dinner there, my 5 oz filet, while cooked medium rare as requested, was cold. The baked potato was lukewarm, and the spinach salad with warm dressing, which I ordered at the server's suggestion...was apparently at room temperature, and had been for some time. The house Cabernet sauvignon was great, however and Nancy made certain our glasses remained full.
On another occasion, Prime Rib night, we had another server, apparently a high school student new to the fine dining experience. So, our fine dining that night , was NOT. Prime rib was tender, a bit overdone and cold. I had to ask for horseradish as well as butter/sour cream for another cold baked potato.
We had breakfast on a recent Saturday morning and that is the best food we have had at the main Clubhouse. Eggs and omlets cooked to order, flavorful bacon and sausage, great waffles and pastries. The only thing that could be improved upon would be to have a coffee carafe at our table. At only 5 bucks a person, it's the best breakfast deal in New Tampa!!
Food at the TAC (Tennis&Athletic Center) is great, however. Our main meal there is usually lunch and the Reuben sandwich is to die for!! The soup is always hot and homemade, as far as I know. We have dinner there occasionally and they usually have at least 2 entrees as well as the sandwiches. My husband had the Shrimp Scampi which he said was excellent with just enough garlic. You can never count on the service though. I swear sometimes we must be invisible. I noticed that Bill, the manager is apparently gone. He was a nice guy, I wonder what happened. There is a lady there now, from the 19th hole, I'm told. I am sure she will find this place a little different!!
They have karaoke there every now and then on Friday night and we have been lucky to have our youngest son, Joey come and sing for us!! They are usually promoting a brand of alcohol like Absolute or Effen (what does that mean?) Vodka and we enjoy the free samples and reduced prices. Yeah, Buddy......
That's it for now on eating at Hunter's Green. Please add your comments if you have eaten there.

Update on Mindy, etc.....

My sister's cancer seems to be under control at the moment. She had a lot of follow up tests towards the end of the year and the carcinoids in her liver are not growing. The doc ruled out ovarian cancer so we are very relieved about that.
The hardest part of dealing with this, to me, is the fear. I cannot even imagine the fear that Mindy has though. She has shared some of her fears. She doesn't want her girls to see her dying, seems to be the big fear. Mindy and I sat with our mom in the nursing home during her last days and it was horrible.
Loss of income is possibly another big fear. She may have to eventually try to go on social security disability. That process seems to be a nightmare, from what we have read so far. She wants to keep the news from her employer as long as possible, for fear they will try to fire her if they find out. Money is probably tight in their family with their last child in college with 2 and a half years to go.
My personal fear is that I will not be in Virginia if/when something serious happens, either to Mindy or to Joe and I. Living part time in Florida and part time in Virginia has been a lot harder than I imagined. I thought it would be like we were on vacation all the time. But, both Joe and I never considered the "worry" factor. Worry about the Florida house during a hurricane or the pool overflowing. Worry about the boat in Virginia. Then, I worried about being in Florida if something happened one one of us. We have Joey in Florida and that is GREAT. But most of the family is in Virginia and I would assume that would be a wonderful support system if we ever needed it. In fact, when Joe had his hip replacement(s), it was a great having his sisters and mine to "vent" to!! So, we are moving back, if we ever sell this house in Tampa!!
Of course, having grandkids has changed everything too. I so SO in love with them!!! And, they are all in Virginia!!!